Our principles
Our commitment to being inclusive and free from discrimination is demonstrated through our trauma informed principles of:
- Safety
- Trustworthiness
- Choice
- Collaboration
- Empowerment

- Safety: ensuring physical, emotional and psychological safety.
- Trustworthiness: creating respectful environments where personal and professional boundaries are maintained. We are trustworthy and operate with honesty and integrity. We trust the experiences of survivors and their children and we trust our staff to work in the best interests of our clients.
- Choice: creating a place where individuals have choice and control. We try new approaches and solutions to tailor our support, to advocate for and challenge on behalf of survivors and their children.
- Collaboration: making decisions with the individual and sharing power. We respect the lived experience of survivors and their children, listening to and involving them; we are committed to a journey where clients are involved at every level.
- Empowerment: prioritising empowerment and skill building. We identify and remove barriers for people who need our support. We share our successes and learn from our mistakes.
Trauma-Informed Care is understanding of how trauma affects our neurological, biological, psychological and social development. Through this approach we recognise trauma symptoms and acknowledge the role they may play in an individual’s life. Our services, reframe often complex and confusing behaviours as potential responses to trauma related triggers and prioritise the building of trusting, mutual relationships above all else. Prioritising support that is person-centred – focusing care on the needs of the individual and respectful of and responsive to their preferences and values.
"From fear to safety, from control to empowerment, and from abuse of power to accountability and transparency"
Concetta, 2018