Our team

There is clear evidence that many women (although not all) prefer to access women-only support services and that those with complex, multi-layered needs are more likely to achieve sustained positive outcomes if engaging with gender specific services. In turn, those with children are more likely to have a positive impact on the well-being of their children.

Our specialist teams are experienced and highly trained practitioners and therapists; providing a gender-responsive service that involves intentionally creating a safe environment for women through safe and secure accommodation, and therapeutic programmes, with content and material that reflects an understanding of the multifaceted lives of women and girls, and responds to their strengths and challenges. Our teams have qualities valued by women we work with, such as willingness to listen, being non-judgemental and optimistic about their potential for change, and available for emotional and practical support.

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere…Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly."

We offer practical help to overcome barriers often experience by women with complex needs, such as flexible appointments and consistent follow-up, sequenced support, which prioritises stability, readiness to change and immediate needs before progressing to longer term outcomes.