Getting help to overcome abuse

South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner

A group of YWHP clients, facilitated by AVA (Against Violence & Abuse) have been involved with the development of the National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE) & Social Care Institute for excellence (SCIE) Young People’s Guidelines on Child Abuse and Neglect for professionals. Three consultations were held:

  • Helping NICE develop a quality standard for the guidelines which highlight 5 key areas for local commissioners to focus on.
  • Contributing to a blog and a film to promote the guidelines.
  • Designing a guide for young people affected by abuse, “Helping young people overcome abuse – a quick guide for young people”.  The young women recommended it was short, simple, quick and easy to read and understand. Key message from the young women – “It’s never too late to speak.”

Feedback from some of the young women involved in this process:

“I feel pleased to be involved in the NICE guidelines; it feels good to have a voice and to be listened to. It’s great to have my opinion valued.”

“Being involved with the new NICE guidelines has been a positive experience, I feel like the changes will help others receiving services as a result of neglect/abuse and will help professionals better understand how to effectively help & support young people, I feel it’s a big step in the right direction and I feel really good to have been part of it.”

“I am really happy that I have had a chance to input into the guidelines and hope that what I have contributed will help children like I was in the future and my experience of services will help make the changes necessary to make a better difference.”

You can down load the quick guide HERE and the full guidance HERE

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