
Stronger links between statutory and third sector provision is a crucial factor in ensuring that vulnerable young women and their children, particularly those that have suffered abuse, receive the support they need on their individual journeys to recovery.  As well as working closely with, and providing access to, statutory providers for the women and children that we work with, we feel we can make a positive contribution to building greater links by facilitating placements for students from health related fields.  In November last year we hosted placements for two medical students from Sheffield University (see previous blog) and in January we were lucky enough to host a Health Visitor placement…this is the feedback from that placement:

” I have found the placement so useful.  I feel that I have a greater understanding of some of the issues facing women in the project and how their childhood and previous experiences are impacting on their life.  It is clear from my placement that you (YWHP support workers) are the first positive role models that many of the women have ever had and often the only healthy relationship they have.  I have witnessed women opening up and disclosing things that they have never felt able to tell anyone before.  I loved all the work around building self esteem and parenting.

 Through my work in midwifery and health visiting I do come into contact with women who have experienced abuse or exploitation but I think I only see the tip of the iceberg.  This has given me a greater insight.

I think the work you are doing is amazing.

Everyone has been so friendly and welcoming.  I felt like I was one of the team!”


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