South Yorkshire LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Network; Inclusion Statement


As services with people at the heart of what we do, we strive to be accessible and welcoming to all who need us; including to actively challenge sexism, homophobia, biphobia and transphobia.

We support the right of all people, of all genders and none, to access safe places and support. We recognise the ways in which LGBT+ people, (including those from BAMER communities, multi-faith groups, people with physical and neuro-diverse needs and of all ages), can experience abuse and the barriers that can sometimes prevent them from accessing support.

Our women’s services welcome all women, including trans women. This includes recognising, supporting and understanding the diversity of women’s experiences as well as the experiences they share.

In accordance with the Equality Act 2010, we aim to create an inclusive community where people are enabled to meet their full potential and are treated as individuals. 

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