Medical Students at YWHP


For 4 weeks in November YWHP was lucky enough to host 2 medical students from Sheffield university.  Their brief was to spend some time getting to know the project and the women and children who use it and to then assess the impact of the therapeutic work that we do on the health and well being of our young women and their children.  This is what they found:

100% said it made a difference to how they feel about themselves, improved confidence, resilience and happiness

  • This service helped me become an adult – I can live on my own but the properties are secure

100% said receiving the service in a small group, women only, with a key worker made a difference

  • Small groups make me feel more able to open up and express feelings as busy places give me anxiety
  • Very safe environment…

89% said improved ability to form relationships

  • Doesn’t know what she would do without the other girls
  • I (now) know what I don’t want from a relationship
  • Support is amazing, they make you feel important as a human being
  • Living here makes me feel important, like I’m worthy of something

78% said receiving service in groups of a similar age made a difference

  • Girls in the group are going through similar things so that helps us to form bonds

100% said the service made them feel more able to engage with other services

  • This service helped me to improve my English and communication skills
  • More able to speak to people because I don’t bottle things up, so I get the help when I need it now

89% said it improved their physical wellbeing

78% said it improved their self-worth






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