YWHP has joined the UKSAYSNOMORE campaign.
Together we can make a difference.
We are excited to announce that YWHP Sexual Abuse Support service has joined the UK SAYS NO MORE campaign
Facilitated by Hestia – the UK SAYS NO MORE campaign involves a broad coalition of advocacy and service organisations, leading corporations, media companies and major advertising, branding, and design firms.
The UK SAYS NO MORE campaign promotes the use of a new national symbol to express support for ending domestic violence and sexual assault in our society. The UK SAYS NO MORE signature, worn and displayed by influencers, people working
in the field of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault and members of the general public, will raise visibility, create awareness, encourage conversation, and help break the social stigma surrounding domestic violence and sexual assault. You
can find UK SAYS NO MORE on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
UK SAYS NO MORE | Facebook| Twitter | Instagram
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The campaign’s video was published on May 19, 2016

The UK SAYS NO MORE campaign is a partnership between London Charity Hestia and NO MORE in the USA.  It promotes the use of a new national symbol to express support for ending domestic violence (DV) and sexual assault (SA) in our society. The UK SAYS NO MORE signature, worn and displayed by influencers, people working in the field of DV/SA and members of the general public, will raise visibility, create awareness, encourage conversation, and help break the social stigma surrounding domestic violence and sexual assault.


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